Thursday, November 13, 2008

Kairos #4 Pretoria Ladies

Thursday evening. 42 Residents - anxious, not really knowing what it's about, shame, stories to shock, biscuits and coffee/ tea, talking to 'outsiders'. Will it be just like church - preaching, praying, singing? Not sure that they want to be there - and yet they do. Conflict. Avoidance.
Sunday evening. 42 Residents - knowing God's forgiveness and love, freedom from self-rejection and self-condemnation, freedom from anger and aggression towards others, burdens shared, friends discovered, support welcomed, knowing that 'we are not alone', walking with heads up, renewed, a sense of purpose and call, peace and joy, tears at bidding farewell to the 'outsiders'.
All this in just three days.
God is good!

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