Monday, March 30, 2009

Fond Farewell

All my life I have been a lover of chocolate and ice-cream - and now I have to let that love die. Lent is a good time for it to happen, and an even better time for it to be a permanent death. I have officially entered the ranks of the Diabetes Type 2 community, so these sugar treats can no longer be treats for me. So the challenge is to wait and see what is resurrected from this death!! The diabetic products are, to my tastebuds, disgusting - so it is better to let go altogether and see what new thing pops up.
Fare thee well lunch-bars, smarties, top deck, bar one, and ps bars. Good-bye blueberry cheese cake, vanilla, KFC avalanche, Milky Lane, and Royal Danish Ice-Cream Parlour. Long have I loved thee, but now it is time for you to survive without me. I urge you with deep passion: continue to be faithful to your customers.