Tribute to our Aunt Sue Reeves-Moore
(Memorial Service held on 6 September 2007)
Sue Reeves-Moore married my mother's brother Lt. Col. Robert Reeves-Moore in ~1948., thus entering a family of nieces and nephews, which grew in numbers over the years, now to 3rd and 4th generations!! She was very friendly with my mother Elaine Arkell, and Meg Spiers, sisters of Uncle Robert. On our side of the family she became known by the fun nickname of “Aunty Cheeks'.
Cheeks was a most gracious, loving and caring lady, greatly loved by all of us. She loved to have the little children with her while the parents were occupied elsewhere. She entertained them without spoiling them, and so very often took them to the Zoo in Johannesburg, near her home. She would talk to them about the animals and birds, as well as stories of the trees and flowers, not to forget the butterflies, bees and little insects, and the colour-changing chameleons. It was always her plea when parents came to fetch them “You will bring them again, will you not?” As the children grew older many of them spent holidays with her and Uncle Robbie. Such holidays remembered with great joy and sparkling eyes to this day. Times spent on the miniature farm in Sandown where chincillas were bred and fancy, exotic pigeons never to be forgotten.
“Cheeks” was a great lover of nature. The trees, flowers, beautiful birds – no; all birds even the humble sparrows – and the way they made their nests, fed their young amazed her. All insects intrigued her. One day she picked up a wee insect the size of a pinhead, and exclaimed “Runa just look at this creature. It has lungs,heart, digestive and reproductive system. It has eyes, ears and wings. What a very wonderful creative God we have, who loves and cares for all His creatures. The glorious ecosystem where everything in creating depends on another for survival”. She found all this quite awesome, and loved to pour through all my books on creation, nature and evolution when she spent weeks or weekends with me. Seasons that come and go in rhythm, nature awakening in their correct sequence always made her exclaim or call out in wonderment.
Ballet and Operas we attended always delighted her, and admired the artist's performance, showing her appreciation, and never critical.
Cheeks was very family conscious, visited her brothers and sisters regularly and enjoyed family gatherings, When they were ill cared for them and gave freely of herself in whichever way was needed, in a humble loving way until they died. In the same way cared for and nursed Uncle Robbie, who became extremely ill until he died, having to be hospitalized for a short period of time where she stayed with him. She and Uncle Robbie were a very devoted and loving couple, who loved and praised God regularly for their life, and for His mercy and care, especially thanking Him for their place of worship “St. Martins in the Veld” in Rosebank; for all the clergy and caregivers who attended them during Uncle Robbie's invalid days. She was always grateful for the care and concern afforded her by the Rev John Main during her first year of widowhood.
Eventually time arrived when she no longer could remain in her lovely Killarney flat. Her brother had become frail and was in a care centre in a Retirement Village, having lived in the same block of flats for many years as she and uncle Robbie.
By wonderful insight and inspiration led by the Holy Spirit, Ned, my son-in-law, found a cottage which was newly vacated in Serene Park Garsfontein where his mother resided. He fetched Cheeks to view it. As you may imagine she was thrilled and gladly accepted. This being the beginning of her new life in an area of care and protection. My friend Fancis and I managed to drive over regularly on a Sunday to visit and take her to a restaurant nearby, which she enjoyed going to. Of all the wonderful desserts to choose from it was always Ice Cream and Chocolate Sauce!! This continued until she became frail and no longer – only a few months ago – to taken to this special place she loved. Instead Beryl took her home where she could rest, and yet be with the family and enjoy their news of their activities.
I am more than grateful that Andrew, my grand-son, and I went to visit her in the frailcare the Sunday before she died. She was so pleased to see us, although very weak wanted to know about the family.
Sue Reeves-Moore - “Cheeks” was a real lady, very precious, always well groomed. She was gracious, humble and loving. A wonderful example to all of us. May we follow in her footsteps.
Having now joined her much loved “Bunny” as she called Uncle Robbie, may she rest in peace and Light Perpetual shine upon her.
Runa Hendrikz
Selected photos of those who were present. Friends from Serene Park and Ned's side of the family were also present, but I have loaded only those related to Aunty Cheeks and Uncle Robbie.
Carmen Hendrikz, Keith Arkell, Ian Donkin standing, Rosemary Arkell.
L to R: Nigel, 'Honey' (Runa), Carmen.
Nieces from Aunty Cheeks/ Sue's own side: L to R: Debbie, Brenda Evangelides, Alison, Candice Evangelides, & Gary (Brenda's husband)
The Funeral Service was held on Thursday 6 September 2007 at the Wesleyan Church, attached to Serene Park Retirement Centre, at 11h00. Rev. Stanley presided.
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