Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sunday School

I visited our Sunday School this morning. There were about 100 children aged 3 - 12, gathered in the hall for the beginning part of the hour - seated in rows and all sizes mixed up together. The lesson story of the day was told/ read/ enacted mainly by two teenagers. They did a good job in spite of not being equipped in knowing how to grab and hold attention and bring the children into the centre of the story. The message got through mostly - but I wondered about the littlest ones...

The lesson time was followed by praise and worship singing time - with actions accompanying the words. It pleased me to see the smaller ones standing on the chairs so they could see better. I wished that they had done that during the story time. After this, the various age-groups went off with their own teachers to smaller classrooms and continued with application of the story and activities.

Today there were 4 older teachers (over 30 years) and 4 younger teachers (ages 16-21). They do take it in turns to give the main lesson of the week, and not every teacher comes every week. In a church of 900 regular worshippers surely this is not sufficient to cater for the eternal lives of the children among us?

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