Sunday, August 17, 2008

Madrid airport

We arrived on time in Madrid on Friday 15th and proceeded to find our baggage and then connecting flight to Heathrow - only to discover that I, having a SA passport and no visa, had to stay in the intransit part of the airport; and Ned, fortunately having a British passport (no visa required), had to go through passport control and retrieve our baggage. If we had known beforehand, we would have booked our baggage straight through to Heathrow from Jhb. And so we learn!

So I spent 4 hours at one end of the airport waiting for our next flight, and Ned spent the time at another end of the airport at another gate. He was rather anxious, especially as he got on to the next plane first and I was still nowhere to be seen! We did meet up about 5mins before the flight left. Our seats were next to each other this time - unlike our flight from Jhb for which the flight was overbooked so we were in different places on the plane!! Ah, the wonders of modern travel and computer technology which finds it difficult to get things quite right.

Separation happens so easily in life, with so much busyness and so many seeming to want a slice of one's life. I never in my wildest dreams imagined that this tendency would be continued in a place and at a time when we intentionally planned to spend a holiday together. Just goes to show - one should never have expectations!!

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